
Apply for the Windrush Community Fund

Information to apply for the Windrush Community Fund for projects which raise awareness of the Windrush schemes.

This guidance was withdrawn on

This content has been archived as the application window is now closed. You can still access other Windrush content.


The Windrush Community Fund is up to £500,000 of financial support available to charity, community or grassroots organisations across the UK to fund projects which raise awareness of the Windrush Scheme (documentation), the Windrush Compensation Scheme or both.

This support is available to fund activities across the UK. Awards range from a minimum of £2,500 to a maximum of £25,000.

Voice4Change England (V4CE) oversee the Windrush Community Fund application process. They process applications and respond to enquiries about the application process.

The processed applications are referred to the Windrush Cross-Government Working Group and the Home Office, who make the final decisions on funding.

Your privacy

V4CE administer the Windrush Community Fund on behalf of the Home Office, this makes them the data processor for the fund.

Read the V4CE privacy policy for more information on how they protect your data.

The Home Office is the data controller. You can read the personal information charter and the Windrush Community Fund privacy notice.

How much you can apply for

You can apply for funding from a minimum of £2,500 to a maximum of £25,000 for each application.

You can apply as more than one organisation, known as a consortium. In this case, the lead organisation makes the application. The maximum limit of £25,000 for each application also applies to consortiums.

If your proposed budget is more than £25,000, you must show how you’ll get the additional funding.

Who can apply

You can apply for the Windrush Community Fund if you’re:

  • an unincorporated charity, community organisation, community interest company or a company with a charitable purpose
  • a grassroots organisation
  • a registered charity
  • a consortium or partnership (with a lead organisation that is one of the above)

Unincorporated charities, community organisations, community interest companies and companies with a charitable purpose

You can apply if you:

  • were established for charitable and public benefit purposes
  • have a governing body with at least 3 members
  • can provide a valid governing document
  • can provide accounts for the last 2 financial years or an income-expenditure statement for two years if you were established after April 2020
  • are led by or work with communities targeted by the Windrush Community Fund as part of the Windrush generation
  • can support your application with one reference from an established group or organisation

Grassroots organisations

You can apply if you can support your application with:

  • a governing document for your organisation
  • a bank account in your organisation’s name
  • a detailed income and expenditure statement for 2021/22
  • one reference from an established group or organisation

If you cannot provide the above, your application must show that your project will be supported by a registered charity or an unincorporated charity, community organisation, community interest company or company with a charitable purpose.

Other organisations that support your project could include:

  • incorporated tenants’ groups
  • faith organisations
  • community interest companies

Registered charities

You can apply if you can provide a valid registration number issued by the Charity Commission and a reference from an established group or organisation.

Your details on the Charity Commission website will be checked as part of the assessment process.

Consortiums or partnerships

You can work with other organisations on a project and apply as a group. There’s no limit on the number of organisations who can be involved in a consortium.

The maximum funding for each application is £25,000.

You can apply if you have:

  • a lead organisation who can apply as either an unincorporated charity, community organisation, community interest company or a company with a charitable purpose, a registered charity, or a grassroots organisation on behalf of the group
  • details of the lead organisation and how it is structured
  • details of partners you plan to work with and their role in your project

Any funding awarded will be paid directly to the lead organisation.

Who cannot apply

You cannot apply if you’re:

  • an individual
  • a local authority
  • an organisation based outside the UK

What you can get funding for

You can apply for funding to support activities that promote and raise awareness of the Windrush Scheme (documentation), the Windrush Compensation Scheme, or both, to members of your community who can apply for them.

Funding could be used for:

  • holding events, for example the cost of the venue, refreshments and other related costs
  • creating and sharing marketing materials, like leaflets and posters
  • running communication campaigns in person and online
  • accessing and using communication channels, for example social media or local radio
  • supporting people who are eligible for the Windrush Scheme (documentation), the Windrush Compensation Scheme or both
  • getting support from corporate partners, public figures or advocates

Because of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions you should provide examples, where relevant, of how you’ll make in-person events safe for staff and attendees.

You’ll also need to provide details of how you’ll hold your events if they cannot be done in person.

Funding can also be used to cover costs for staff time to work specifically on the project (you will have to clearly justify this).

What you cannot get funding for

The Windrush Community Fund will not support:

  • projects that look to provide an opportunity for a political platform
  • organisations whose objectives conflict with the Windrush Community Fund
  • organisations that seek to provide immigration advice and services, which are not regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
  • where the organisation has objectives or runs services that are contrary to the principles of openness, tolerance, and respect
  • costs for fundraising activities
  • loan repayments or costs covered by other funding sources
  • activities that promote religion

The Home Office will only fund project activities that meet the eligibility criteria. In addition, the Home Office may decide to award part of the amount that you apply for.

When to apply

Applications are considered in two phases.

If your application was successful in Phase 1, you cannot apply in Phase 2.

If your application was unsuccessful in Phase 1, you can apply in Phase 2.

Phase 1

Applications are now closed.

Phase 2

You can apply for Phase 2 from 1 April to 30 June 2021 at 11:59 pm.

Applications received after this date will not be considered.

How long you have to deliver your project

If you get the minimum funding of £2,500 you must deliver your project within 6 months of receiving the payment.

If you get funding above £2,500 you must deliver your project within 12 months of receiving the payment.

How your application will be assessed

Your application will be assessed against the aims of the Windrush Community Fund which are to:

  • increase awareness and understanding of the Windrush Scheme (documentation), the Windrush Compensation Scheme or both and the support available
  • reach more communities and those individuals who may have been affected because they could not prove their lawful status in the UK

In addition, the Windrush Community Fund also seeks to:

  • ensure that individuals and communities have accurate information about the schemes and how to apply
  • build capacity at a community and grassroots level to support those affected to access the Windrush Scheme (documentation), Windrush Compensation Scheme or both

What to in include in your application

In addition to meeting the aims of the Windrush Community Fund, your application must show:

  • the ability to deliver your activity in the local community to reach individuals or families who can apply for the Windrush Scheme (documentation), Windrush Compensation Scheme or both

For example, this may include how you’ll deliver your project in a local authority ward.

  • you meet equality and inclusion principles. This means that you do not discriminate against people because of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or religion and beliefs

For example, you should demonstrate how you’ll make reasonable adjustments for inclusive and accessible events.

  • how you’ll work to meet safeguarding standards, like working with vulnerable adults
  • what you’ll deliver, including:
    • a list of activities and what these will achieve
    • a breakdown of the budget to support your bid, with categories of costs that relate to each set of activities of the plan
    • how you’ll measure what you’ve achieved
  • how you’ll meet the aims of this fund through your activities and any important learning. This could include case studies demonstrating how you would do this

Scoring categories

Your application will be scored against four categories. The percentage assigned to each category shows the importance of that category in the assessment stage.

Benefits (50%)

You’ll need to set out the positive benefits that your activities can bring, including:

  • details of how you intend to meet the aims of the Windrush Community Fund
  • details of how you intend to raise awareness and promote your events within your communities to reach the target group
  • the specific benefits to be delivered in a way that can be measured. For example, running three community events that will engage people from the target groups
  • specific benefits to participants in a way that can be measured. For example, an estimated number of participants who will have learnt something new as a result of the awareness raising activity

Effective budgeting and spending of funding (20%)

You’ll need to show how you would consider costs, including:

  • full details of your costs. For example, a total amount for venue hire should show the number of hours and the cost per hour
  • how they are realistic and related to your project aims. For example, you should not include costs for making a video if a video is not mentioned as part of your proposal.

If you include costs for a staff position you must give clear reasons why this time is essential for the project.

Showing changes to be delivered (20%)

You’ll need to show how you intend to record what you do and the changes you deliver, including:

  • how you’ll monitor an increased awareness of the Windrush Scheme (documentation), the Windrush Compensation Scheme or both
  • how you’ll gather feedback from participants on your clearly defined benefits and changes. For example, questionnaires before and after an activity

V4CE will issue an evaluation form for you to give information on what the project achieved and the quality of delivery. You’ll need to complete this after all your project activities have finished.

V4CE will agree regular meeting times with you to check your progress and offer support where you need it. V4CE can also help identify how you can measure your progress.

Benefit to the community (10%)

You’ll need to show a strong benefit to the community, including how you:

  • make good use of your relationships with the communities you serve. For example, how you link with other organisations like faith or tenants’ groups
  • respond to the needs of your communities. For example, how you made a change to your service based on feedback from service users
  • plan to use this project to broaden your reach and develop contacts within the target communities


Download and complete the Windrush Community Fund application form (ODT, 23.1 KB).

Send your completed application form and copies of any relevant documents by post or email to Voice4Change England.

Voice4Change England
Kosmos Centre
2C Falklands Road
London NW5 2PT

After you apply

When you’ll hear from us

You’ll receive acknowledgement of your application being received within two working days.

Phase 2 funding decisions will be made by the end of August 2021.

The Home Office will contact you with a grant offer letter and terms and conditions if you’re successful.

Decision making

Due diligence checks will be carried out to understand more about your organisation. Checks will cover your organisation’s financial status, objectives and activities and your ability to deliver the project on time. References will also be requested.

The Home Office and the Windrush Cross-Government Working Group can request further information relating to applications before successful applications are selected.

This may include an invitation to a phone call or face-to-face meeting (following social distancing measures).

You may be asked to make changes to your proposal like reducing your budget to reflect the activities you plan to run.

The Home Office reserve the right to only award part of the funding, or to not award funding.

Successful applicants will be required to submit regular progress reports to V4CE.

Find out more

Contact Voice4Change England to find out more about the application process.

Telephone: 020 7485 4789


Queries and advice about the Windrush Community Fund application process are managed by V4CE and are independent from the decision-making process within the Home Office.

Updates to this page

Published 14 December 2020
Last updated 27 April 2021 show all updates
  1. Updated version of the Windrush Community Fund application form.

  2. Updated the process as Phase 2 applications are now open. Also included the scoring categories and the due diligence information.

  3. First published.

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