Technology Provider Registration for Frontier Technologies
Closed: Frontier Technologies is a programme designed to help FCDO apply frontier technologies to development challenges.
This opportunity is closed
The Frontier Technologies Programme works at the intersection of technology, innovation, and international development. The programme is delivered by the Frontier Technologies Hub. We work with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) across 3 main areas:
- livestreaming, which explores the use of frontier technology by working with partners in developing countries to test and scale technology with the potential for positive social impact
- futures, which connects FCDO staff with one another and the world of technology, equipping them to apply frontier technologies in their programmes
- research and learning, which gathers and shares what we learn and dives deeper into areas where technology has the greatest potential for doing good
The Frontier Technologies Hub is managed by 3 partners: Results for Development (R4D), IMC Worldwide, and Brink. It is funded by UK Aid from the UK Government.
More information and live updates on the programme can be found on Medium and Twitter
How to register
The link to register has been removed.
By registering for our database, you:
- will be part of a database of suppliers that may be invited to tender for scoping, designing, and/or implementing approved projects - which may include Livestreaming pilots, Foresighting Studies, and Futures engagements
- may be invited to participate in other events related to the programme, for example our programme has previously used the database to identify technology providers to invite to participate in Futures engagements
- will be included on our mailing list to hear about programme news and events, for example webinars or technology marketplaces
We welcome registrations from any frontier technology provider interested in international development. We collaborate with providers at a range of innovation stages as the programme’s focus includes field testing, evidence generation, and scaling opportunities. We also encourage registrations from companies that work collaboratively and emphasise learning and sharing their experiences.
All types of technology providers are welcome to register, however there is particular interest in those with experience in:
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, or Drones)
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
- Cleantech
- Fintech
- Internet of Things
- Alternative Internet Delivery
- Collaborative Economy
- Distributed Ledger Technology
- Additive Manufacturing (3D printing)
- Alternative Internet Delivery
Upon registering, we will conduct some light-touch due diligence checks and confirm within a month if you have been added to our database. After that, we’ll be in touch with updates about the programme and opportunities to collaborate and work with us.
The database is managed by IMC Worldwide as part of the Frontier Technologies programme. Contact
As a UK registered company holding the personal data of EU citizens, IMC Worldwide complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). We have updated our Data Protection, Privacy and Data Retention policies, as well as our procedures, systems and processes to ensure compliance with key GDPR principles. We treat all personal data in a way that is lawful, fair and transparent and used only for the purpose specified. We ensure that all personal data that we collect is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary. We ensure adequate security measures are in place and we have Cyber Essentials Plus Certification, a British government endorsed accreditation, that demonstrates our commitment to protecting personal data. All data is held in accordance with our data retention schedule and held only for as long as necessary.
If you have any questions about the Frontier Technologies Hub or the Technology Provider Database, contact
Updates to this page
Published 25 October 2016Last updated 26 October 2020 + show all updates
Update to overview and how to register
Frequently asked questions added
First published.