Closed: The FCDO invited expressions of interest by 28 February 2025 to conduct a systematic review of evidence on sanctions for conflict and atrocity prevention in low- and middle-income countries.
Closed: The FCDO invited proposals by 13 January 2025 to conduct research on how humanitarian actors can address the risks associated with AI systems so they can be used responsibly.
Closed: The FCDO invited short-term, small-scale requests to support the needs of decision-makers to adapt to climate change through the use of existing research and evidence.
Closed: The FCDO invited tenders by 6 December 2024 for research to support climate-resilient livelihoods for refugees in Kenya and Uganda, focusing on socio-economic resilience and disaster risk reduction in low and middle-…
Closed: The FCDO invited proposals by 29 November 2024 for a political economy analysis of the women's rights movement in Uganda.
Closed: The FCDO invited tenders by 19 July 2024 to conduct a rapid umbrella review of priority climate change adaptation interventions in low- and middle-income countries.
Closed: the FCDO invited registers of interest by 5 May 2024 to attend an early market engagement event for an economic evaluation of Zambian transport infrastructure investment 2010 to 2020.
Closed: the FCDO invited proposals by 30 March 2024 to conduct research into the evidence base for contributing to outcomes in mine action.
Closed: The FCDO invited tenders by 29 March 2024 to conduct a rapid evidence assessment of the research literature on the drivers of responsible business conduct in low- and middle-income countries.
Closed: The FCDO invited tenders by 22 March 2024 to conduct a rapid evidence assessment of the research literature on the effects of interventions for reducing financial hardship for healthcare in low- and middle-income cou…
Closed. The FCDO invited tenders by 13 March 2024 to conduct a rapid evidence assessment of the research literature on interventions designed to build health systems in low- and middle-income countries.
Closed: The FCDO invited proposals by 27 February 2024 to conduct a rapid scoping review of women’s rights and LGBT+ organisations countering the rollback of rights in Africa and Asia.
Closed: The FCDO invited bids by 27 February 2024 to review existing research on smallholder farmers’ access to finance in low- and middle-income countries.
Closed: Call for proposals by 2 February 2024 to provide analysis of development finance investments and strategies, including their influence on similar financial transactions and impact on global financial markets.
Closed: call for proposals by 13 December 2023 for consultancy support on a policy review for allocating proceeds in an infrastructure debt securitisation platform, and recommendations for verifying allocations to MOBILIST i…
Closed: the FCDO invited applications by 30 September 2023 for short-term innovative projects that address important development issues in Southeast Asia.
Closed: the FCDO invited applications by 4 October 2023 for the Evidence Fund Research and Innovation Programme in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.
Closed: the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) invited organisations to submit by 7 August 2023 project proposals that promote and protect the rights of LGBT+ people globally.
Now closed, UK Aid Direct supported small and medium sized civil society organisations, based in the UK and overseas, to achieve sustained poverty reduction and the Global Goals.
Market-aligned interventions for cleaner production in the textiles value chain in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Call for Concepts to identify interventions that contribute to reducing waste and manufacturing pollution …
Combines grant capital with expert-led venture-building support, to support Assistive Technology innovators launch and scale solutions in Africa.
Closed: The GSMA M4D Foundation requires the services of a firm (the “Fund Manager”) to support the GSMA team to manage the full lifecycle of the M4H Innovation Fund with a strong focus on managing risk at every stage of the…
Research on capital allocation strategy for emerging/frontier markets, and the role of information asymmetry in shaping capital flows.
FCDO’s centrally managed fund for small UK based not-for-profit organisations working with the poor, vulnerable and most marginalised.
A Rapid Labour Market Information (LMI) Assessment - To inform potential post-COVID-19 support to South Africa on addressing youth unemployment.
Closed: Frontier Technologies is a programme designed to help FCDO apply frontier technologies to development challenges.
Closed: Supports partnerships between UK schools and schools in developing countries to build teachers’ skills and pupils’ understanding of global issues.
The International Climate Fund (ICF) in BEIS, has allocated up to £2 million for technical assistance activities in Colombia through an open and competitive call for proposals.
UK supports the Livelihood and Food Security Fund (LIFT) to increase resilience, income, food security and nutrition of rural people in Burma.
A pioneering business accelerator which supported early to mid-stage ventures with products to improve the lives of girls in poverty.
Building community capacity to achieve the human rights of all persons with disabilities.
Partnerships and grants to promote good practice in local government in 6 Commonwealth countries.