Litigation friends

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Ask the court to appoint a litigation friend

You or anyone involved can apply to the court to get a litigation friend appointed at any time during the case.

How to apply

Download and fill in the relevant form to apply in the:

You’ll need to provide evidence that the person you want the court to appoint:

  • agrees to be the litigation friend
  • is suitable and willing
  • is able to carry out the duties

Deliver in person (‘serve’) a completed copy of the relevant form to the:

  • parent, guardian or carer if you’re applying to get a litigation friend appointed for a child
  • deputy, attorney with a lasting power of attorney or enduring power of attorney, or carer if you’re applying to get a litigation friend appointed for an adult
  • the adult you’re applying to get a litigation friend appointed for

Certificate of service

When you’ve served the certificate of suitability, download and fill in the relevant certificate of service for a:

Deliver or send the certificate of suitability and certificate of service to the court at the same time.