Using mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs
Driving on pavements, footpaths and bridleways
Only ‘class 2’ and ‘class 3’ mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs can go on pavements and other pedestrian areas, like footpaths and bridleways.
You cannot use a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair in pedestrian areas if it’s not in a class.
Check the class of your vehicle.
Rules for driving and parking on pavements, footpaths and bridleways
The maximum speed is 4mph. You must make way for other people using the pavement and drive considerately.
All normal parking restrictions apply to mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs.
Your vehicle should not be left on the pavement or pedestrian area on its own if it gets in the way of other pedestrians. This includes other wheelchair users and people with prams or pushchairs.