Job search programmes

Your Jobcentre Plus work coach can give you more information about programmes that can help you prepare for, find and stay in work.

Work Programme

The Work Programme stopped taking new participants on 1 April 2017. If you’re already taking part, you can continue to do so for up to 2 years from the date you joined.

You’ll have to attend an assessment interview with Jobcentre Plus if you’ve been on the Work Programme for 2 years. The interview will help you plan, prepare and find work.

Help for specific types of work

Sector-based work academies offer training and work experience for up to 6 weeks in a particular industry or area of work.

Most academies also offer a guaranteed interview for a job or an apprenticeship.

They’re available to you if you’re claiming any of the following because you’re unemployed:

Work clubs

Anyone who’s unemployed can join a Work Club. They’re run by local organisations like employers and community groups, and give you the chance to share knowledge, experience and job hunting tips.