Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave: employer guide

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Employees may be eligible for Statutory Paternity Leave and Pay if they and their partner are:

  • having a baby
  • adopting a child
  • having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Statutory Paternity Leave

If the baby is due before or on 6 April 2024, or before 6 April 2024 for adoptions

Employees can choose to take either 1 week or 2 consecutive weeks’ leave. The amount of time is the same even if they have more than one child (for example twins).

Leave cannot start before the birth. The start date must be one of the following:

  • the actual date of birth
  • an agreed number of days after the birth
  • an agreed number of days after the expected week of childbirth

Leave must finish within 56 days of the birth (or due date, if the baby is early).

The start and end dates are different if the employee is adopting.

If the baby is due after 6 April 2024, or on or after 6 April 2024 for adoptions

Employees can take either 1 or 2 weeks’ leave. If the employee is taking 2 weeks they can either be taken consecutively or separately. The amount of time is the same even if they have more than one child (for example twins).

Leave cannot start before the birth. The start date must be one of the following:

  • the actual date of birth
  • a specified number of days after the birth 
  • a set date which is after the date of birth

Leave must finish within 52 weeks of the birth (or due date, if the baby is early).

The start and end dates are different if the employee is adopting.

There are different rules if you’re in Northern Ireland.

Statutory Paternity Pay

Statutory Paternity Pay for eligible employees is either £184.03 a week or 90% of their average weekly earnings (whichever is lower). Tax and National Insurance need to be deducted.

Calculate an employee’s paternity leave and pay using the maternity and paternity calculator.

Some employment types, like agency workers, directors and educational workers, have different rules for entitlement.

Extra leave or pay

Employees can get more leave or pay if:

You must make sure your paternity leave and pay policies are clear and easily accessible to staff.

Reclaiming payments

Even if you pay an employee more than the statutory amount, you can usually only reclaim 92% of that amount. You may be able to reclaim 103% if you qualify for Small Employers’ Relief. Read more about reclaiming statutory pay.

Leave for antenatal appointments

Employees can take unpaid leave to accompany a pregnant woman to antenatal appointments if they are:

  • the baby’s father
  • the expectant mother’s spouse or civil partner
  • in a long term relationship with the expectant mother
  • the intended parent (if they’re having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement)

They can accompany the woman to 2 appointments of up to 6 and a half hours each.

If the baby dies

Employees still qualify for paternity leave and pay if the baby is either:

  • stillborn from 24 weeks of pregnancy
  • born alive at any point in the pregnancy but later dies

Employment rights

An employee’s employment rights (like the right to pay, holidays and returning to a job) are protected during paternity leave. You still have to pay Statutory Paternity Pay even if you stop trading.