Product Safety Report: Elegant Life Air Fryer AF586S-T (2205-0362)

Product Safety Report for Elegant Life Air Fryer AF586S-T presenting a serious risk of electric shock.


Product: Elegant Life Air Fryer AF586S-T

Hazard: The product presents a serious risk of electric shock as the top half of the fryer was intended to be fixed to the bottom section by the means of four screws. The screws had not been fitted. Any movement of the fryer caused the top half to separate from the bottom, leaving live parts exposed which presents an electric shock hazard to users.

Corrective action: The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon). We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

Product information

Type Electrical appliances and equipment – Air fryer
Other product identifiers FBA15FGD1NG2U000137 X001C0P435
Product description Black air fryer supplied in white cardboard packaging with a picture of the product on it
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product presents a serious risk of electric shock as it had not been designed and manufactured in accordance with the principal elements of the safety objectives given in Schedule 1 of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016. The top half of the fryer was intended to be fixed to the bottom section by the means of four screws. The screws had not been fitted. Any movement of the fryer caused the top half to separate from the bottom, leaving live parts exposed which presents an electric shock hazard to users.

Corrective action

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon).

We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

Additional information

PSD case number: 2205-0362

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Updates to this page

Published 15 June 2022