Report wreck material

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Reporting wreck material

You can report recovered wreck material online.

There is a different way to report treasure.

To report wreck material you’ll need:

  • the location you found it
  • the address where you’re storing it
  • any information you have about the vessel the material is from
  • a digital photograph of the recovered material - you’ll need to upload this in the service

Start now

Report wreck material by post

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the ‘Report of wreck and salvage’ form.

  2. Fill in the form and post it to The Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

Receiver of Wreck
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG

You can also get a copy of the form from your local coastguard.

Get help

Contact the Receiver of Wreck if you need help using the service.

Receiver of Wreck
Telephone: 0203 817 2575
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except public holidays)
Find out about call charges

  1. Step 1

    You need to check if what you've found counts as treasure or wreck material.

    1. Check if your find is treasure
    2. Check if your find is wreck material
  2. Step 2

    You must report treasure to the local coroner within 14 days of finding it.

    1. Find your local coroner
    2. Find out what happens after you report treasure

    The Portable Antiquities Scheme can help you report treasure and archaeological finds.

    1. Contact a Finds Liaison Officer at the Portable Antiquities Scheme
  3. or

    You must report wreck material to the Receiver of Wreck within 28 days of finding it.

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