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Guidance and regulation

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From Forestry Commission
  • Apply for grants and other funding to increase productivity, manage your land to benefit the environment and support your agricultural business.

  • Read the guidance to help you make your claim for payment using the Rural Payments service or a claim form.

  • Get support to create woodland using the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO).

  • The Forestry Commission controls tree felling by issuing felling licences.

  • Find woodland agreements, felling licences and other designations or features on any chosen area of land in England.

  • Find out about the Forestry Commission’s Professional Forester Apprenticeship programme that offers an exciting career pathway into the forestry sector.

  • How to assess a planning application when there are ancient woodland, ancient trees or veteran trees on or near a proposed development site.

  • What you must do when you keep livestock or manage land.

  • Find out how to create a woodland management plan. This will help you plan and develop a sustainable woodland, and can be used for grant and felling licence applications.

  • Guidance on applying for a licence to fell growing trees using our Felling Licence Online service.

  • The UKFS defines the government requirements for forestry in the UK. It provides a basis for regulation and monitoring, including national and international reporting.

  • Find out when you need a felling license to fell trees, and what we do if trees are felled without a licence. This can apply to your land, or land you manage.

  • The Forestry and Arboriculture Training Fund is currently closed. It covered training costs for short, practical forestry and arboriculture courses.

  • Check the land details you have registered on the Rural Payments service.

  • If you suspect anyone of illegal felling then you can check if permission exists and, if necessary, report the incident to the Forestry Commission.

  • Woodlands may be eligible for certain tax reliefs and exemptions, depending on the type of woodland and its purpose.

  • Find information and support on woodland creation in England, including funding to create woodland, legal requirements and best practice for sustainability.

  • Use the grant manual and forms to apply for funding to create woodland under the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO).

  • Find out how to import timber and wood material, including the documents, identity checks and plant health inspections required.

  • Use the public registers to find details on proposed forestry work and on decisions that the Forestry Commission has made to approve or reject proposals.