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End of life care

Guidance and regulation

11 results sorted by Most viewed
  • Sets out COVID-19 testing for hospice patients and staff.

  • Information resource for care home workers about preventing and controlling infection in care homes.

  • Guidance for managing seasonal influenza, identifying pathogens and transmission routes for acute respiratory disease in care homes.

  • Resources to help local commissioners achieve value for money by estimating the return on investment (ROI) and cost-effectiveness of public health programmes.

  • Explains how commissioners and health professionals can use data and analysis for decisions about dementia services and interventions.

  • This publication explains the importance of faith at the end of life, for professionals, providers and commissioners working in communities.

  • How the National End of Life Care Programme Board is delivering personalisation and choice in care for people at or near the end of life.

  • Sets out the amount of funding received by clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) for hospice and palliative care services in the 2019 to 2020 financial year.

  • Sets out the outcomes and corresponding indicators used to hold the NHS Commissioning Board to account for improvements in health outcomes.

  • The NHS Outcomes Framework sets out indicators for measuring outcomes in NHS services.

  • A guide that supports the methods used for all place of death indicators as classified by Office for National Statistics (ONS) death certificate data.