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Health and social care

Research and statistics

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8,071 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Results of Ipsos MORI research into public perceptions of the NHS and social care for winter 2016.

  • Results from the market research company Ipsos MORI into public opinions about the NHS and social care services.

  • Results from Ipsos MORI on the views of people aged 50 or over on health, ageing and support.

  • Results from the market research company, Ipsos MORI, into the views of people aged 50 or over on health, ageing and support for 2016.

  • Local authority area trends in the oral health of 5 year olds and information on the commissioning of programmes to improve oral health in children.

  • Statistics from the Child Support Agency on the 1993 and 2003 statutory child maintenance schemes.

  • The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) examines indicators that help us understand trends in public health.

  • A summary of the review's work so far into mental health laws, services, best practice and the wider care system.

  • This report sets out how national child development outcome indicators can be developed to enable population surveillance of child development.

  • Update of information on diabetes in the cardiovascular disease (CVD) profiles.

  • Annual update of indicators in the diabetes foot care profiles.

  • Teetotalism, drinking in the week before interview, frequent drinking and units drunk, including changes in drinking patterns in recent years.

  • Vaccine coverage data estimates and commentary relating to the national infant Meningococcal B (MenB) immunisation programme.

  • Laboratory confirmed cases of pertussis reported to the enhanced pertussis surveillance programme in England.

  • Monthly publication of experimental statistics from the new Maternity Services Data set covering January 2018.

  • Qualitative assessment of the risk that chikungunya virus presents to the UK population.

  • Reports on general outbreaks of foodborne illness week by week including the organism and the number of people taken ill.

  • Results of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) rolling programme for 2014 to 2015 and 2015 to 2016.

  • Counts of MRSA, MSSA, Gram-negative bacteraemia and C. difficile infection bi-annually reported by independent sector organisations, with accompanying commentary.

  • Update of data on physical activity and related risk factors and conditions at a local level for England.