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Pupil performance in schools

Research and statistics

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48 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • England’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2023 results, with an international comparison of performance of pupils in years 5 and 9.

  • Information on the achievements of pupils in each state-funded primary school in England.

  • Findings from the progress in international reading literacy study (PIRLS) 2021, assessing and comparing the reading attainment and attitudes of year 5 children.

  • Information on the achievements of pupils in each state-funded primary school in England.

  • England's PISA 2022 results, with an international comparison of mathematics, reading and science performance of 15-year-old pupils.

  • Information on the 2022 multiplication tables check, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics, at national and local authority level.

  • England's Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2019 results, with an international comparison of performance of pupils in years 5 and 9.

  • England's PISA 2018 results, with an international comparison of reading, maths and science performance of 15-year-old pupils.

  • The achievements of pupils at key stage 4, and how they compare with other schools in their local authority area and in England.

  • The achievements of pupils at key stage 4, and how they compare with other schools in their local authority area and in England.

  • The achievements of pupils at key stage 4, and how they compare with other schools in their local authority area and in England.

  • The achievements of pupils at key stage 4 and how they compare with other schools in their local authority area and in England.

  • Findings from PIRLS 2016, assessing and comparing the reading attainment and attitudes of year 5 children.

  • England’s PISA 2015 results, with an international comparison of science, maths, reading, and collaborative problem solving performance of 15-year-old pupils.

  • How secondary school departmental heads use performance and entry profile data to improve pupil progress and departmental performance.

  • England’s results in TIMSS 2015, including an international comparison of mathematics and science performance of pupils in years 5 and 9.

  • Research providing additional analysis of England's results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012.

  • Research into the teaching of multiplicative reasoning and pupil attainment.

  • Research into the educational attainment of pupils in England by their ethnicity.

  • Pupil attainment data, grouped by gender, ethnicity and free school meal eligibility, broken down by the area in which pupils live.