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16 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Designing an evaluation framework and indicators to review processes used by the MMO when producing and implementing marine conservation management measures and subsequent output impacts to examine if they are achieving the …

  • Assessment of king scallop stock status for selected waters around the English coast 2022/23.

  • To ensure that MMO decisions on managing fishing in marine protected areas are informed by the best available evidence and a wide range of perspectives, MMO regularly seeks views from stakeholders and public. This is underta…

  • Defra reports published into dead crabs and lobsters on the north-east coast of England.

  • The review recommends that Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) should be introduced in England.

  • Standing report on methods, approaches and wider stock conservation and management considerations.

  • These annual reports on the status of salmon stocks and fisheries in England and Wales have been produced since 1997.

  • The Science and Innovation Network in Chile supports the foundation of the international partnership on marine protected areas, biodiversity and climate change.

  • Presence of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and other species in proposed bass nursery areas

  • An overview of state-of-the-art technologies and innovations across the global seafood sector relevant to the UK seafood industries.

  • This publication reports on a range of environmental indicators for Northern Ireland and provides links to government strategies.

  • Evidence requirement R130: Detecting berried lobsters.

  • Exercise to test the national contingency plan for responses to marine pollution from shipping and offshore installations, including the NORBRIT agreement.

  • This publication reports on a range of environmental indicators for Northern Ireland and provides links to government strategies.

  • Project to learn more about the ecology of sea trout populations around the Irish Sea, in order to improve their conservation and management.

  • The 2017 report on the UK commercial fishing industry including statistical tables and underlying data sets.