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About Education, training and skills
  • The age you can leave school in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

  • Disabled Students' Allowance is extra money for higher education students - DSA1 forms, eligibility, how to apply, needs assessment.

  • The English national curriculum means children in different schools (at primary and secondary level) study the same subjects to similar standards - it's split into key stages with tests

  • Download Student Finance England application forms and guidance notes - including forms PN1, PR1, PFF2, CYI and DSA1.

  • Check if you're eligible for a student loan, find out how much you can get, how to apply and when you start repaying.

  • Postgraduate funding - find grants, loans, studentships and scholarships.

  • Advanced Learner Loan and the Bursary Fund help with college or training course costs - funding, how to apply, application forms, repayments

  • Educating your child at home ('home schooling'): when to get permission, telling the school, curriculum, SEN.

  • Apply for a state primary school place through your local council

  • Get a place for your child at a primary or secondary school - applications, deadlines, admission criteria, appeals and complaints.

  • Find the difficulty level of a qualification and compare qualifications across different countries.

  • Complain about a school - complaints process, when to complain to the Department for Education, the Education Funding Agency or Ofsted.

  • Apply for a state secondary school place through your local council

  • Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - support your child can get at school and how to apply for an education, health and care (EHC) plan

  • Bursaries of up to £1,200 for students in further education, training or unpaid apprenticeships - what’s available, eligibility and how to apply

  • Childcare Grants for full-time students in higher education - grants, CCG1, CCG2 forms, how to apply, eligibility

  • The early years foundation stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5

  • Search for Ofsted inspection reports for childminders and childcare providers, schools, colleges, further education providers, children and families services

  • Free transport from your local council - eligibility, rules for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), how to apply

  • Types of school and how they're run - community schools, academies, free schools, faith schools, state boarding schools.