What a sole trader is

A sole trader is a type of business. It’s the simplest business structure to set up and keep records for.

As a sole trader you:

  • work for yourself
  • are classed as self-employed
  • make all the business decisions

There are other ways to set up a business.

You can be a sole trader as your only job or be employed and self-employed at the same time.

Most people set up as a sole trader when first starting out as a business.

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Sole trader responsibilities

You’ll have some legal, financial and other responsibilities when running a sole trader business.

Sole trader businesses have ‘unlimited liability’ which means owners are personally responsible for all of the debts of the business. If something goes wrong, you will have less protection. You may be able to get more protection with business insurance.


You keep all the profits after paying tax.

Naming your business

As soon as you start working for yourself you should choose your business name - you can choose a trading name or use your own name.

Keeping records and accounts

When you start trading you must keep records. This will help you work out your profit or loss for your Self Assessment tax return.

Registering as a sole trader

You can start trading straight away without registering. However, you must register for Self Assessment as a sole trader if you earn more than £1,000 in a tax year (from 6 April to 5 April). You can choose to register earlier.

After you’ve registered you will need to submit Self Assessment tax returns.


When you submit your Self Assessment tax return HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will work out if you need to pay Income Tax and National Insurance contributions based on your profits.

You need to register for VAT if you meet the requirements. You can choose to register before you meet the requirements if you want to reclaim VAT on business expenses.

There may be other taxes you need to register for depending on what you do. Check what taxes may apply to you as a sole trader.

Find out about tax reliefs for sole traders to reduce your tax bill.

Rules for your type of business

You may have other responsibilities depending on what your business does.

Check if you need:

There are also rules you must follow if you:

Where you work

Check what your responsibilities are if you:

If you rent or buy a property, you may have to pay business rates. Small businesses can apply for a discount on business rates and some may pay nothing.

Check if you can claim office, property and equipment as expenses.

Taking on people to help

There are things you’ll need to do if you take on your own employees. You’ll have more responsibilities, including:

If you take on agency workers or freelancers you have some responsibilities, for example their health and safety.

Help and support

You can get help with setting up your business.

  1. Step 1 Check if being a sole trader is right for you

  2. Step 2 Choose your business name

  3. Step 3 Check what records you need to keep

    When you start trading you must keep records. This will help you work out your profit or loss for your tax return.

    1. Find out what business records you need to keep
  4. Step 4 Register as a sole trader

  5. Step 5 Check what taxes may apply to you

  6. Step 6 Plan for your tax bill

    You may need to pay Income Tax on your profits and may need to pay National Insurance contributions.

    1. Get an estimate of how much you will need to pay
    1. Find out more about Income Tax rates
    1. Find out more about National Insurance rates
  7. Step 7 Get help and support