Tax when you get a pension
What’s taxed
You pay tax if your total annual income adds up to more than your Personal Allowance. Find out about your Personal Allowance and Income Tax rates.
Your total income could include:
- the State Pension you get (either the basic State Pension or the new State Pension)
- Additional State Pension
- a private pension (workplace or personal) - you can take some of this tax-free
- earnings from employment or self-employment
- any taxable benefits you get
- any other income, such as money from investments, property or savings
This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Check if you have to pay tax on your pension
Before you can check, you’ll need to know:
- if you have a State Pension or a private pension
- how much State Pension and private pension income you will get this tax year (6 April to 5 April)
- the amount of any other taxable income you’ll get this tax year (for example, from employment or state benefits)
You cannot use this tool if you get:
- any foreign income
- Marriage Allowance
- Blind Person’s Allowance
Use this online tool to check if you have to pay tax on your pension.
If you take some or all of your pension as a lump sum
You’ll pay Income Tax on any part of the lump sum that goes above either:
- your lump sum allowance
- your lump sum and death benefit allowance
Find out what your lump sum allowances are.
You may have to pay Income Tax at a higher rate if you take a large amount from a private pension. You may also owe extra tax at the end of the tax year.
Tax if someone inherits your pension
Different rules apply if someone inherits your State pension or your private pension.