Tax when you get a pension

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Higher tax on unauthorised payments

You’ll pay up to 55% tax on payments from your pension provider if they make an ‘unauthorised payment’. This is a payment made outside of the government’s tax rules and usually includes:

Some companies advertise personal loans or cash advances if you take your pension early. These payments are unauthorised and you have to pay tax on them.

  1. Step 1 Check when you can retire

  2. and Check how much pension you could get

  3. Step 2 Increase your pension

    You might be able to increase the amount you get if you delay your pension.

    1. Find out about delaying your pension

    You might be able to pay voluntary contributions to fill in gaps in your National Insurance record (such as, from when you were not working or claiming benefits).

    1. Check if you can pay voluntary National Insurance contributions

    For advice about increasing your workplace or private pension, speak to a financial adviser.

    1. Find a financial adviser through Unbiased
  4. Step 3 Check what other financial support you could get

  5. Step 4 Decide when to retire