The Newton-Katip Celebi Fund: Turkey
The Fund aims to create the opportunity to build strong partnerships between UK and Turkish scientists, researchers and institutions.
About Newton-Katip Celebi Fund
The Newton Fund is a £735 million-programme launched in 2014. It forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA). Turkey is one of 18 partner countries under the Fund. The Fund aims to develop science and innovation capacity in beneficiary countries and contribute to their economic development. By collaborating on bilateral and multilateral programmes with a research and innovation focus, the intention is to build strong, sustainable, systemic relationships between the UK and Turkey.
The Fund creates the opportunity to build strong partnerships between UK and Turkish scientists, researchers and institutions. Areas of focus under the Fund in Turkey are likely to include lifelong health and welfare, agriculture and food security, disaster and risk management, energy and climate change and Social Sciences and Humanities.
The UK and Turkey have each committed to allocate up to £4 million per year for the duration of the Fund - £56 million in total.
In each Newton Fund partner country, a prominent scholar has been chosen to jointly name the Fund. In Turkey the official name of the Fund is Newton-Katip Celebi Fund. Katip Celebi was a renowned Ottoman scholar who specialised in history and geography.
Implementing Organisations
UK | Turkey | Identified themes for Turkey |
Academies (British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society), British Council, Innovate UK, Research Councils UK | The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) | Lifelong Health And Welfare, Agriculture and Food Security, Disaster and Risk Management, Energy and Climate Change, Social Sciences and Humanities (Cross-cutting) |
The fund will cover three broad categories of activity:
Improving science and innovation expertise (known as ‘capacity building’), student and researcher fellowships, mobility schemes and joint centres
Research collaborations on development topics
Innovation partnerships and challenge funds to develop innovative solutions on development topics
Structure of the Fund / How It Works
Implementing organisations in the UK agree individual cooperation programmes with their Turkish counterpart, under the Newton Katip-Celebi Fund framework. The Newton Katip-Celebi Fund is overseen by a joint UK-Turkey Steering Committee whose members include implementing partners, TUBITAK and the Department for Business, Energy, Industrial Strategy (BESI). The UK and Turkish partners launch calls jointly or separately, depending on the individual programme. While some of the calls will focus on fellowships for mobility between Turkey and the UK, others will cover research cooperation between universities and research institutions. There will also be calls for private sector collaboration.
Open Call 1
British Academy Grants – Deadline 5 September
British Academy has launched the Newton Mobility Grant and Advanced Fellowships.
Mobility Grants:
Newton Mobility Grants provide support for international researchers based in Turkey to establish and develop collaboration with UK researchers around a specific jointly defined research project.
These one-year awards are particularly suited to initiate new collaborative partnerships, between scholars who have not previously worked together, or new initiatives between scholars who have collaborated in the past.
Awards might include a range of related activities, but mobility (in the form of visits and exchanges, etc.) should form an integral part of proposals. The main purpose of the funding is to cover travel and maintenance costs, although costs related to other eligible activities will be considered. Partnerships including a training element and involving scholars in the early stages in their career will be looked on favourably.
For further information, please follow this link
Advanced Fellowships:
Newton Advanced Fellowships provide early to mid-career international researchers who already have a track record with an opportunity to develop their research strengths and capabilities, and those of their group or network, through training, collaboration and visits with a partner in the UK.
The award enables international researchers based in Turkey to establish and develop collaborations with the UK with the intention of transferring knowledge and research capabilities. The skills and knowledge gained should contribute to advancing economic development and social welfare of the partner country.
For further information, please follow this link
Open Call 2
Research Environment Links Professional Development and Engagement Programme (PDE) Grants by British Council – Deadline 17 September
The Professional Development and Engagement Programme (PDE) supports the research environment and enables optimal impact from research, shaped by the demands and development priorities of the partner country.
Under PDE, The Research Environment Links (REL) programme in Turkey aims to support the research and academic environment by international collaboration; training programmes; the exchange of knowledge and best practice and the development and implementation of pilot activities to promote capacity building collaboration shaped by the demands and priorities of Turkey and the UK.
- Size of grant: up to £40,000
- Duration of the grant: up to 12 months
- ODA requirement: All applications must meet the required relevance to economic development or social welfare (see guidelines for further information)
For further information, please follow this link
Further Info on Calls
The open calls can be monitored from the official website of the Newton Fund, from the web sites of the different UK Delivery Partners, British Council, Royal Society, British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering, RCUK, InnovateUK and from the TUBITAK web site.
Contact Details
Pinar Cetin, Newton Fund Project Manager
Phone +90 312 455 33 84
Fax +90 312 455 33 56
Asli Akcayoz, Newton Fund Programme Coordinator
Phone +90 312 455 32 37
Fax +90 312 455 33 56