
EU procurement directives and the UK regulations

Guidance and training materials on the Public Contracts Regulations, Utilities Contracts Regulations and Concession Contracts Regulations.

This guidance was withdrawn on

This page has been withdrawn as it is out of date. The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020.

Public sector buyers seeking support can visit the dedicated section of the Crown Commercial Service website.

This page provides guidance and eLearning resources for public sector buyers and utilities that have to apply the EU public procurement rules when letting public contracts.

Information on the overarching framework of UK public procurement policy, including links to the procurement directives and UK implementing regulations, can be found on the public procurement policy page.


Handbooks have been produced which cover the main rule changes for both the Public Contracts Directive and the Concession Contracts Regulations:

This is supplemented by a package of more detailed, subject-specific guides to support implementation:

Training materials

To help raise awareness of the new EU Procurement Directives, CCS arranged more than 200 face to face training sessions covering the main changes within the directives. The training materials from these sessions is shared below:

Updates to this page

Published 5 February 2014
Last updated 1 March 2017 show all updates
  1. Removed elearning guidance section.

  2. Selection questionnaire FAQ added to list of guidance documents

  3. New word document version of standard selection questionnaire added.

  4. The following guidance documents have been updated: 1. EU Public Contract Directives 2014 2. Amendments to contracts 3. Awarding contracts 4. Changes to procedure 5. Dynamic Purchasing Systems 6. eProcurement and eCommunication 7. Framework agreements 8. Light touch regime 9. Provisions that support access for small businesses 10. Public to public procurement 11. Standstill 12. Subcontracting

  5. Added standard selection questionnaire documents

  6. Added new guidance document: social and environmental guidance

  7. Updated guidance on paying in 30 days

  8. Added new version of 30 day guidance.

  9. Updated guidance on amendments to contracts during their term

  10. Added a brief guide to the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016.

  11. Updated page to provide access to guidance and learning resources now that the transposition is complete.

  12. Updated info on the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 and the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016

  13. Added Guidance on the new subcontracting provisions

  14. Added 'Reform of the EU procurement rules – utilities sector: slideset'

  15. Updated Brief Guide to EU Public Contracts Directive 2014

  16. Updated Public Contracts Regulations 2015: guidance on the new light touch regime for health, social education and certain other service contracts

  17. Updated Guidance to amendments document

  18. Update to Implementing the directives section

  19. added link to guidance on electronic procurement and communication

  20. added guidance on public to public procurement

  21. Added information on consultations on draft regulations

  22. Added guidance on provisions that support market access for small businesses.

  23. Added 'Guidance on changes to procedures'

  24. Added guidance on framework agreements.

  25. Added guidance on awarding contracts, Dynamic Purchasing System and the standstill period.

  26. Added new guidance on amendments to contracts during their term.

  27. Added guidance on new light touch regime for some service contracts.

  28. Added guidance on completing Public Procurement Regulations 2015 forms and notices in the transition period.

  29. Updated publication: A brief guide to the Public Contracts Directive.

  30. Updated to reflect latest changes.

  31. Government response to 'Transposing the 2014 EU Procurement Directives' published.

  32. Updated 'EU Procurement Directives training: slideset'.

  33. Added information on the consultation.

  34. Updated training dates document

  35. Updated training dates document

  36. Updated training dates added.

  37. Training dates document updated.

  38. Training dates document updated.

  39. Training dates document updated.

  40. Training dates document updated.

  41. List of dates for public sector training sessions updated.

  42. Updates on registering for e-learning resources and training dates.

  43. Updated links to directives published in the OJEU and dates for public sector training.

  44. Updated dates for public sector training sessions.

  45. Updated training dates and Progress section.

  46. Updated dates for public sector training sessions.

  47. Updated public sector training dates.

  48. Updated Dates for public sector training sessions document.

  49. Added training date for voluntary sector procurement.

  50. Updated public sector training sessions.

  51. Updated list of training sessions for the public sector.

  52. Updated public sector training session dates.

  53. First published.

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