
UK Defence Standardization

Defence Standardization develops and pursues MOD’s standardization policy, both nationally and internationally, with civil and military partners to support increased interoperability and more effective acquisition.

Defence Standardization (DStan) sits within the Engineering Group under the Director Engineering and Safety and is MOD’s centre of excellence for through-life standardization management.

DStan’s responsibilities:

DStan is responsible for the development of MOD Standardization Policy as detailed in Joint Service Publication (JSP) 920. DStan additionally manages the development of the portfolio of Defence Standards supporting the delivery of military capability.

DStan delivers the following services:

  • maintenance and development of a relevant and required portfolio of UK Defence Standards (Def Stans)
  • negotiating, influencing and agreeing NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) standardization policy and procedures to support UK military operations in achieving NATO Capability Targets
  • provision of standardization policy (in JSP 920) which is consistent and aligned with government and NATO
  • provision of MOD standardization input to cross-government standardization committees
  • online provision of the services and processes in standardization management, and standards development and via the Standardization Management Information System (StanMIS) toolset
  • management of national ratification and implementation reporting of operational and materiel NATO Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) in support of interoperability in UK MOD military operations and acquisition
  • provision of online access to UK Defence Standards, NATO STANAGs and their associated Allied Standards
  • provision of access for MOD employees to national and international civil standards such as British Standards (BSs), European Standards (ENs) and International Standards (ISOs) via the Standards online service.

Contact us

UK Defence Standardization UK Defence Standardization Kentigern House, Room 1138 65 Brown Street GLASGOW G2 8EX


Updates to this page

Published 12 December 2012
Last updated 30 January 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated DStan's responsibilities list.

  2. Minor updates to page content made under all headings.

  3. Updated the page with up to date links and information on defence standardization.

  4. Updated DStan's responsibilities and directorate information.

  5. Changed lead organisation and supporting organisation

  6. Updated the responsibilities of the UK Defence Standardization

  7. First published.

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