Prove you qualify for Child Benefit

You can normally use your Child Benefit award notice to prove you qualify for Child Benefit.

Child Benefit award notices have replaced Child Benefit numbers as the main way to prove your eligibility. You will not have a Child Benefit number if you first claimed after 23 February 2021.

Check with whoever is asking what proof they need and how up to date it has to be.

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

If you need other proof you qualify

You may be able to:

  • use a bank statement showing Child Benefit going into your account
  • use the online service or the HMRC app to print your ‘proof of entitlement’ page or save it as a document to use as proof

If you use the online service

You’ll need to sign in to use this service. If you do not already have sign in details, you’ll be able to create them.

You’ll be told when you sign in if you need to prove your identity. This is to keep your details safe and normally involves using photo ID like a passport or driving licence.

If you need help getting proof

Contact the Child Benefit Office for more information about getting proof.