LV1: Cattle grid

Find out about eligibility and requirements for the cattle grid item.

This item is part of Higher Tier Capital Grants 2025. You must read the Capital Grants 2025 guidance to understand the rules and how to apply.

How much you’ll be paid 

£2,878.80 per item.

How this item benefits the environment

Introducing new ways to control the movement of grazing cattle helps with the management of priority habitats and enhances the landscape.

Where you can use this item 

You can use this item with the agreement of Natural England to either:

  • introduce a new management regime
  • make a substantial change in grazing management

You cannot use this item to place cattle grids on:

  • public highways
  • public rights of way

What you must do to use this item

You must:

  • agree a specification for the works with Natural England in year 1 of your agreement
  • complete the works according to the agreed specification and timescale

You should discuss and agree requirements that are specific to your site with your Natural England adviser.

Evidence you must keep 

You must keep and provide with your claim:

  • photographs of the completed work
  • specification of the agreed works

You must also keep and provide on request:

  • consents or permissions connected with the work
  • receipted invoices or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable
  • photographs of the location where the cattle grid is planned

Read the record keeping and site visit requirements in the Agreement holder’s guide: Capital Grants, Higher Tier capital grants and Protection and Infrastructure grants for more information.

Updates to this page

Published 2 April 2015
Last updated 3 February 2025 show all updates
  1. General improvement for clarity.

  2. This item is now available for Higher Tier Capital Grants

  3. Updated for 2017 applications.

  4. Information updated for applications in 2016.

  5. First published.