WN1: Grip blocking drainage channels
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the grip blocking drainage channels item.
This item is part of Higher Tier Capital Grants 2025. You must read the Capital Grants 2025 guidance to understand the rules and how to apply.
How much you’ll be paid
£19.06 per block.
How this item benefits the environment
Blocking grips and drainage channels maintains and restores wetter conditions across habitats and vegetation mosaics. Restored and re-wetted habitats support target vegetation and species.
Where you can use this item
You can only use this item with the agreement of Natural England where at least one of the following apply:
- blocking grips or drainage channels will contribute to restoration of priority habitats
- re-wetting will provide habitat for breeding waders
- blocking of grips or drainage channels is included in an implementation plan or feasibility study agreed with Natural England – you can link this to a habitat restoration plan
You may need to contact the Environment Agency, lead local flood authority or internal drainage board to get any consents or permits regarding the impact on flood risk.
You can use this item in either upland or lowland areas.
What you must do to use this item
You must use block grips or drainage channels either as:
- agreed with your Natural England adviser
- set out in your implementation plan or feasibility study (if you have one)
You must inspect all grips or drains and blocks annually to make sure:
- there are no breaches in grips or drains and blocks
- excess water from the grip or drain does not flow into the channel below the block
- excess water soaks into the ground, down slope from the blocked grip
- no water flows between dams except for natural peak surface water
You need to take photographs and record inspections. You’ll need to agree this with your Natural England adviser.
The agreement will set out what must not be done. It’s likely you will not be allowed to:
- damage surface vegetation
- expose bare soil or peat
- establish linear routes
You should discuss and agree requirements that are specific to your site with your adviser.
Evidence you must keep
You must keep photographs of the completed work and provide them with your claim.
You must keep and provide on request :
- any consents or permissions connected with the work
- receipted invoices or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable
- a copy of the implementation plan or feasibility study (where applicable)
- photographs of a sample (2%) of the sites that will be blocked
Read the record keeping and site visit requirements in the Agreement holder’s guide: Capital Grants, Higher Tier capital grants and Protection and Infrastructure grants for more information.
Items you can use with this item
Capital plans
You can use these plans with this item:
Capital items
You can use this item with GR1: Create or restore grassland habitat
Advice to help you use this item
The following advice may help you to use this item, but you do not have to follow it to get paid. It’s not part of this item’s requirements.
You should consider employing specialist contractors to do this work.
Picking the right location
Pick areas:
- where peat and mineral soils have been drained – re-wetting will restore more natural hydrological conditions benefitting many habitats including peat-forming bog and fens
- targeted by Natural England as priority habitat which needs to be re-wetted– you can find areas of priority habitat on MAGIC and by discussing with your Natural England adviser.
Constructing the blocks
When creating the blocks, make sure:
- the blocks are wider than the grip or drainage channel and keyed into the sides to prevent breaching and erosion
- the grips are blocked from the top downwards
- dams match the topography with varied positions at 7 metres (m) or less apart
- the grips can fill to a water level above the base of the next dam higher up the slope
- the tops of dams are slightly higher than ground level after installation and natural shrinkage – the water then overflows away from the dam and soaks into the vegetation.
- that you use a very low ground pressure excavator with wide tracks when grip blocking
- ensure all operations minimise vehicle movement up and down the dip of the slope
Managing historic and archaeological features
If you have one, show the location of any features of historic or archaeological importance in the implementation plan or feasibility study to avoid damaging them.
Using vehicles and machines on site
Reduce machine damage by adding steps in the implementation plan or feasibility study to factor in:
- site access tracks
- the surrounding habitat
- the use of low pressure and appropriate machines
Updates to this page
Published 2 April 2015Last updated 3 February 2025 + show all updates
Amended item - you do not need to have CS options UP2 or UP3 on the same land parcel as this item.
This item can now be used as a standalone capital item not just in combination with a land management option.
Updated for 2017 applications.
Information updated for applications in 2016.
First published.