HE1: Historic and archaeological feature protection
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the historic and archaeological feature protection item.
This item is part of Higher Tier Capital Grants 2025. You must read the Capital Grants 2025 guidance to understand the rules and how to apply.
How much you’ll be paid
Up to 100% of actual costs.
How this item benefits the environment
Conserving or protecting these features in the landscape supports the long-term survival of the historic and archaeological features.
Where you can use this item
You can use this item if you have either:
- written permission from Natural England (or the Forestry Commission in woodland)
- been contacted by Historic England advisers about applying for HE1: Historic and archaeological feature protection
You can use this item for physical work to conserve or protect individual historic environment features. This work will change land management practices or restore a site.
Examples of this work include:
- removing or moving inappropriate infrastructure, for example, tracks or boundaries where they are damaging to an historic feature
- moving feed sites and restoring the surface
- clearing vegetation and restoring eroded surfaces
- consolidating structures such as ruins or bridges
- de-silting designed waterbodies
- archaeological excavation where needed to preserve ‘by record’ known archaeology that cannot be conserved through other management actions – ‘by record’ means making a record so you can reconstruct it after you have excavated an artefact and destroyed it
You cannot use this item:
- for works on historic (roofed) buildings
- to create a management plan for parklands, historic features or areas – use PA2: Feasibility study instead
- to duplicate work previously funded under Countryside Stewardship or Environmental Stewardship.
You must not carry out any construction work related to the item unless you have approval from the responsible body.
You should discuss and agree requirements that are specific to your site with your adviser.
What you must do to use this item
You must:
- agree a specification with Historic England, Natural England or the Forestry Commission
- provide 3 written quotations for completion of the work including all associated costings with your application
- agree the selected quotation with Historic England, Natural England or the Forestry Commission (the relevant body will contact you)
- complete the works to the agreed specification and timescale
- ensure you have any consents or permissions before starting the work – this can be scheduled monument consent from Historic England, listed building consent from the local planning authority or a felling licence from the Forestry Commission when removing trees
Evidence you must keep
You must keep and provide with your claim:
- photographs to show the completed works
- a detailed specification
You must also keep and provide on request:
- any consents or permissions connected with the work
- photographs of the feature before works start
Read the record keeping and site visit requirements in the Agreement holder’s guide: Capital Grants, Higher Tier capital grants and Protection and Infrastructure grants for more information.
Advice to help you use this item
The following advice may help you to use this item, but you do not have to follow it to get paid. It’s not part of this item’s requirements.
Historic and archaeological features
You can find information on:
- the location of scheduled monuments
- registered parks and gardens
- registered battlefields
- listed buildings
- undesignated historic and archaeological features
You can access this information on:
- the Historic England annual Heritage at Risk register – this identifies historic environment features at high risk from loss or damage
- the MAGIC website for information in map form
- the Selected Heritage Inventory for Natural England website
- the historic environment record
- Historic England’s guidance on farming historic landscapes
- sites of archaeological or historic importance in a Historic Environment Farm Environment Record (HEFER)
Complex sites
There’s no standard specification for this item as all work will need to be specific to the individual site. For complex situations or sites, you may also require a management plan that can be funded through PA2: Feasibility study.
Updates to this page
General improvement for clarity.
Added references to Historic England to page
This item is now available for Higher Tier Capital Grants
'Land use' section updated to include woodland. 'Requirements' section updated to include Forestry Commission detail.
The Keeping records section of this page has been updated
Updated for 2017 applications.
Information updated for applications in 2016.
First published.