Government Commercial Function
About us
The Government Commercial Function is a cross-government network procuring or supporting the procurement of goods and services for the government.

The Sourcing Playbook
Key policies and guidance for making sourcing decisions for the delivery of public services
The Construction Playbook
The Construction Playbook sets out key policies and guidance for how public works projects and programmes are assessed, procured and delivered.

Information on new training and accreditation available for any civil servant who works with contracts or suppliers, even if this is a small part of your role.

Government Commercial Organisation
An overview of the Government Commercial Organisation (GCO) and where it sits with the Government Commercial Function (GCF).

People standards for the commercial profession
Policy paper
This document sets out the standards expected from commercial professionals in government. It will help you with recruitment or career development.

Latest from Government Commercial Function
What we do
The Government Commercial Function is a cross-government network procuring or supporting the procurement of goods and services for the government.
GCF is part of the Civil Service and the Cabinet Office.
Transparency and freedom of information releases
Our management

Contact GCF
Contact us
020 7276 1234
Make an FOI request
- Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
- Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
- Make a new request by contacting us using the details below.
Freedom of information requests
Cabinet Office
Room 3.32
1 Horse Guards Road
United Kingdom