
Criminal court statistics

National Statistics on cases in the magistrates’ courts and Crown Court and, from March 2017, includes language interpreter and translation services statistics.

The release of the latest statistics has been postponed.

In June, we notified users of the cancellation of the Criminal Court Statistics quarterly publication, highlighting work that was necessary to assure the quality of source data for the key series. That initial work highlighted some necessary changes to court processing systems to enable robust and accurate data to be produced. These fixes do not affect the operation of the courts and are purely an issue for the data reporting.

These are being implemented alongside work to align the MoJ Official Accredited statistics and HMCTS management information methodologies. This will benefit users by providing greater transparency and coherence in court data.

While the fixes being implemented will lead to some changes in headline measures of the Criminal Court Statistics, they are unlikely to have a material impact on trends of the key series, for example Crown Court receipts, disposals and outstanding caseloads. The work will affect the back series, and the largest impacts are likely to be seen since 2021.

We are working as fast as possible to deliver robust data series at the earliest opportunity and by the end of the year and will keep this page updated with our future plans.

These reports present the latest statistics on type and volume of cases that are received and processed through the criminal court system of England and Wales. The figures give a summary overview of the volume of cases dealt with by these courts over time, with statistics also broken down for the main types of case involved.

Also published are detailed breakdowns of the headline court caseload and timeliness statistics, broken down by court or Local Justice Area. More information can be found on the Open Justice website

From March 2017, the Criminal Court statistics quarterly (CCSQ) publications include the latest statistics on use of language interpreter and translation services in courts and tribunals.

The information contained within this bulletin was previously published as part of ‘Court Statistics Quarterly’, ‘Judicial and Court Statistics’ and ‘Use of language interpreter and translation services in courts and tribunals statistics’. Earlier editions of these publications can be found at the links given below:

court statistics

judicial and court statistics

language statistics


Find out more about the data produced in the guide to criminal court statistics.


Updates to this page

Published 18 December 2014
Last updated 22 June 2018 + show all updates
  1. Adding a link to machine readable data

  2. July to September 2015 data added

  3. April to June 2015 statistics added.

  4. Criminal court statistics (quarterly): January to March 2015 published.

  5. October to December 2014 statistics added.

  6. First published.