
Green and amber rated impact assessment opinions

Impact assessment opinions based on external, independent scrutiny of new regulation by the Regulatory Policy Committee.

Regulatory proposals are accompanied by an impact assessment (IA), which assesses and estimates the likely costs and benefits, as well as presenting the associated risks, of a regulatory proposal that has an impact on business, civil society organisations, the public sector or individuals. Following scrutiny of an IA the RPC provides an opinion on the quality of analysis and evidence presented in the IA. This opinion then informs the decisions of ministers as to whether or not they should proceed with the proposal.

Guidance on the issues the RPC considers when scrutinising an IA can be found here.

The opinions published here relate to both consultation and final stage IAs for proposals which have been taken forward by government. These relate to the IAs as received by the RPC, prior to any changes made in response to the comments made in the opinions. Green IAs are considered to be ‘fit for purpose’. Amber rated IAs are considered to be ‘fit for purpose’ on the condition that changes are made to the IA to respond to the concerns raised in the opinion.

An opinion which includes significant concerns would result in the IA being rated as ‘not fit for purpose’. For IAs that were rated ‘not fit for purpose’ see Red rated impact assessment opinions

The opinions have been published in batches. The batches, by date, are available below:

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

Department for Transport (DFT)

Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)

Ministry of Justice

Home Office

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

Health and Safety Executive

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

Department for Communities and Local Government

HM Treasury

Ministry of Defence (MoD)

Department of Health (DH)

Department for Education (DfE)

Food Standards Agency

All published 2012 opinions

This collection includes opinions relating to all departments as issued by the RPC in 2012.

Updates to this page

Published 1 June 2013
Last updated 18 March 2015
  1. New opinions added

  2. Opinions added

  3. Updated to include opinions published 12 November 2014

  4. Latest published opinions added

  5. Updated for published opinions 25th July 2014

  6. Updated to included opinions published 8 May 2014

  7. New batch of opinions published

  8. A new batch of opinions published

  9. Publication of additional 'Green' and 'Amber' rated RPC opinions on fit for purpose impact assessments.

  10. First published.