Green Deal and ECO evaluation
This collection brings together all research relating to Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation (ECO) evaluation.
In order to evaluate the Green Deal and ECO, DECC has commissioned a number of research reports exploring a number of aspects of the Green Deal and ECO. These include reports on the Green Deal and ECO customer journey, Green Deal assessments and the Green Deal and ECO supply chain.
Green Deal assessment research
This is a series of survey reports conducted with households who have had a Green Deal Assessment in order to find out more about the experience, and what households have done and plan to do since having the assessment. DECC first conducted three “assessment surveys” in 2013. The combined survey report, published in January 2014, is available at:
Green Deal customer journey surveys
Further waves of research, referred to as “customer journey surveys”, have been conducted since then through a longer survey which again explore the assessment experience, and what households have done and plan to do since having the assessment. The latest wave, published in March 2015, is available at:
Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) customer journey research
Research into the experiences of households that received ECO-funded installations in September 2013. Report available at:
Green Deal household tracker survey
This is a series of reports tracking awareness and understanding of the GB population of the Green Deal and energy efficiency measures since November 2012. The latest version of the survey report, published in October 2014, is available at:
Research into the Green Deal and ECO programme supply chain
Research exploring the operation of the supply side of the Green Deal and ECO programme and views of Green Deal certified installers, assessor organisations and advisors. Report available at:
Research into businesses that were not certified Green Deal suppliers
Research with selected businesses that were not certified Green Deal suppliers to provide evidence on why certain types of business had, chosen not to become Green Deal suppliers, and to examine whether there were any barriers to entry and the market outside the Green Deal, including if and how these businesses engaged with the Green Deal supply chain. Report available at:
Green Deal assessment mystery shopping research
Research to explore customers’ experience of having a Green Deal assessment and examine the accuracy and potential variability in the Green Deal assessment of properties by different assessors. Report available at:
Green Deal pre-assessment customer journey qualitative research
Research into the Green Deal pre-assessment customer journey to examine the perceptions of those who had heard about the Green Deal but had not had an assessment and to explore why they had not moved on to have an assessment. Report available at:
Green Deal provider market report
Research on the Green Deal Provider market and the operation of ECO Brokerage. Report available:
Working paper: Examining potential bias in the sampling methodology for the Green Deal assessment survey
A working paper reporting on analysis undertaken to test the robustness of the sampling approach employed in conducting Green Deal Assessment customer research (and subsequent waves of Green Deal customer journey research).
Working Paper: Feasibility study on Green Deal & ECO customer behaviour
A working paper summarising scoping work undertaken to (i) identify knowledge gaps in relation to consumer behaviour following the installation of Green Deal measures and how such behaviour impacts on the assumed benefits (in terms of reduced energy use, fuel bills or carbon saved) of installing energy-saving measures (ii) identify feasible research options that would seek to address the identified knowledge gaps and (iii) identify options for linking to other research efforts within and outside government to reduce costs and ensure value for money.
Evaluation of the Green Deal Communities Private Rented Sector funding
Research to try and understand the impact of providing additional funding to Local Authorities to target energy efficiency installations among private rented sector (PRS) properties within the Green Deal Communities project.