HIV: surveillance, data and management
The surveillance and epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
HIV is associated with significant mortality, serious morbidity and high costs of treatment and care. Around 100,000 people are living with HIV infection (diagnosed and undiagnosed) in the UK.
The infection is still frequently regarded as stigmatising and has a prolonged ‘silent’ period during which it often remains undiagnosed.
Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) has resulted in substantial reductions in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and deaths in the UK.
People diagnosed promptly with HIV and started ART early can expect near normal life expectancy. Challenges remain, with high rates of late HIV diagnoses and an ageing population.
Further information on HIV is available on NHS.UK.
Data collection
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) runs a number of HIV surveillance systems.
National HIV prevention programme
The national HIV prevention programme comprises action to prevent HIV infection and transmission, through education and information, promoting safer sexual behaviour, facilitating access to HIV testing, increasing early diagnosis and treatment, and a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The programme includes the following:
HIV Prevention Innovation Fund 2015 to 2016
HIV Prevention Innovation Fund 2016 to 2017
HIV Prevention Innovation Fund 2017 to 2018
The Fund was originally named the HIV Prevention Innovation Fund. Since the disestablishment of Public Health England in 2021, the Fund’s administration shifted to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, within the Department of Health and Social Care. Seven cohorts have been funded since 2015. Cohorts 5 to 7 (2020 to 2022) had a broadened scope to include projects offering innovative ways of improving reproductive and sexual health, in addition to HIV-specific innovations.
Find more information about the Impact evaluation of the Sexual Health, Reproductive Health and HIV Innovation Fund, 2022.
National reports
Regional reports
There are a number of guidance documents relating to clinical care of those living with HIV:
BHIVA Standards of care for people living with HIV 2018
BHIVA and BASHH guidelines on the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) 2018
BASHH Standards for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
UK Advisory Panel for Healthcare Workers Infected with Bloodborne Viruses (UKAP)
Updates to this page
Updated links to resources and added 'HIV prevention barriers and facilitators: qualitative findings' and 'HIV community testing in England'.
Added 'HIV: positive voices survey' and 'HIV Action Plan monitoring and evaluation framework'.
Added 'Sentinel surveillance of blood borne virus testing in England 2019'.
Added link to the 'HIV: women in the UK' report under the national reports section.
Added 'Annual Epidemiological Spotlight on HIV in the West Midlands: 2017 data'.
New document added to collection: East Midlands HIV Spotlight report.
Added 'National HIV self-sampling service' to the 'National HIV prevention programme' section.
New report page added to collection: HIV: North East annual data spotlight
Added ‘Sexual and reproductive health: Spend and Outcome Tool (SPOT)’ guidance under ‘Data collection’ section.
Added 'HIV: North West annual data spotlight' under research and analysis.
Added 'HIV: East of England annual data spotlight' under research and analysis section.
Added 'HIV: South West annual data spotlight'.
Added 2015 London data spotlight report.
Added link to the ‘HIV testing in England: 2016 report’.
Added HIV in South East England 2014 epidemiology spotlight.
Added the guidance 'Sexual and reproductive health in England: a guide to local and national data'.
First published.