HS2: business
This section provides suppliers with the basic information necessary to help identify and prepare for HS2 business opportunities.
Details of what High Speed Two (HS2) will be buying directly and the stage of procurement for each opportunity are available on the HS2 contract opportunities page. This includes information on who has been shortlisted at the invitation to tender (ITT) stage and contact details for awarded contractors.
Appropriate direct contract opportunities with HS2 are advertised in the following locations:
- Tenders Electronic Daily for opportunities valued above OJEU thresholds
- The UK Government’s Contracts Finder
Where appropriate, some direct opportunities will be sourced through existing public sector frameworks. To find out how to join an existing framework, visit the Crown Commercial Services website.
We also encourage our supply chain to promote details of all appropriate indirect contract opportunities (i.e. opportunities in the HS2 supply chain) via CompeteFor.
Networking opportunities
To network with other suppliers, ask questions and receive information about HS2 events, jobs and general updates, connect with us on LinkedIn.
To join the HS2 supply chain conversations online, follow our @HS2ltd Twitter account using the following hashtag: #hs2supplychain.
If you have any further queries or comments, or would like to be added to the Supply Chain Distribution List, please contact our Supply Chain mailbox.
Suppliers should also contact their relevant business networks for further information on upcoming opportunities to engage with HS2 Ltd and work on HS2. The following organisations are among our contacts:
Supply chain information
Building Information Modelling
You can also visit our BIM Upskilling Platform. The intention of the platform is to raise awareness of BIM implementation and ensure that a consistent message is delivered to our supply chain and delivery partners.
Updates to this page
Published 17 October 2014Last updated 6 April 2016 + show all updates
Addition of link and information regarding the HS2 Supply Chain Regional Roadshow 2016 to top of page
Addition of HS2 supply chain BIM upskilling study
First published.