Joint inspections of local area services
Details of joint inspections (JTAIs) by Ofsted, Care Quality Commission, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services and HM Inspectorate of Probation.
This collection brings together the guidance used for each targeted joint inspection and the final report for each theme.
You can also read Ofsted’s guidance on inspecting local authority arrangements and services for children in need of help and protection.
Inspection guidance from April 2022
Joint thematic reports
Inspection frameworks in use before April 2022
Updates to this page
'Multi-agency responses to serious youth violence: working together to support and protect children' report added.
Added updated guidance on joint inspections of the response to children who are victims of domestic abuse
Added guidance on carrying out inspections of the multi-agency response to identification of initial need and risk.
Added report summarising our JTAI findings on how multi-agency partnerships identify and respond to children with mental ill health.
Added 'Joint targeted area inspections on the theme of children’s mental health'.
Added guidance for new joint inspection theme: child sexual abuse in the family environment.
Added 'Joint inspections of the response to children experiencing neglect: May to December 2017'.
Published today: inspector guidance for joint inspections of the response to children living with domestic abuse.
First published.