
Public Guardian practice notes

Detailed practice guidance for professional attorneys and deputies.

These practice notes contain detailed guidance to help attorneys and deputies carry out their roles.

They explain the Public Guardian’s legal position, and cover subjects such as claiming travel costs.

Although they are written mainly for professional attorneys and deputies, non-professionals may also find them useful.

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Acting as a professional attorney

Claiming deputy travel costs

Deputy final reports

Notification of death

Professional deputy costs

Public authority deputyship responsibilities

Requesting a search of the Public Guardian registers

Solicitor client accounts

Surety bonds

Updates to this page

Published 30 September 2014
Last updated 19 May 2021 show all updates
  1. Adding a link to the Welsh language collection

  2. Added 'Requesting a search of the Public Guardian registers'

  3. Added 'Professional deputy costs' to collection.

  4. Added 'Public Guardian practice note: Release of visitors' reports' to collection.

  5. Added Public Guardian practice note: Family care payments to the collection

  6. Added Public Guardian practice note: OPG's approach to solicitor client accounts to the collection

  7. Added local authority deputyship responsibilities to the collection.

  8. First published.