Surety bonds: Public Guardian practice note
What the Office of the Public Guardian expects from companies that provide surety bonds to court-appointed deputies.
Applies to England and Wales
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) supervises deputies appointed by the Court of Protection.
The court tells most deputies to get a ‘surety bond’ (also called a ‘security bond’). The bond is insurance that protect the assets of the person whose affairs and property the deputy is managing.
The Scheme is currently administered by Marsh Limited.
Insync Insurance Solutions Ltd are currently not in a position to offer bonds and are working closely with OPG to establish earliest possible date for provision of bonds.
This practice note (SD15) explains what OPG expects from a bond provider, so that its surety bonds are suitable for deputies.
Updates to this page
The Scheme is administered by Marsh Limited, Howdens no longer offer new bonds.
Change to the available bond providers.
Uploaded PDF.
Updated to reflect changes to the 'Scheme' - a framework of three providers instead of the single provider previously available.
We have made a change to the section 'Expectations for the Bond' to reflect a recent court ruling.
Added Welsh-language translation
Practice note has been updated to reflect a change to OPG's approved bond supplier from October 2016.
First published.