Journey time statistics
Data and statistics of journey times to key services, covering food stores, education, health care, town centres and employment centres.
DfT previously ran a user engagement exercise in which it sought to establish whether there was a suitable business case for continuing to publish the Journey Time Statistics (JTS) series, in light of DfT’s newly developed Model of Connectivity, and set out that it planned to discontinue the series if such a business case could not be established.
The department has concluded that there is not a sufficient business case to continue production of Journey Times Statistics and removal of official statistics badging is appropriate. We are therefore undertaking work internally to complete this process.
Our rationale for this decision as well as a summary of the responses to our engagement exercise is available.
The department is happy to receive user feedback on the above, which should be directed to:
Journey time statistics
Statistics on journey times to key services including food stores, education, health care, town centres, employment centres and transport hubs. These statistics are from the analysis of spatial data on public transport timetables, road, cycle and footpath networks, population and service locations.
Journey time information on current and previous journey time statistics, connectivity statistics and accessibility statistics are available.
Journey time data tables
13 journey time statistics tables have been revised to correct data previously published for 2015. Due to processing errors, incorrect values for the number of households in a given geographic area were used in the original calculations. The tables that have been revised are JTS0201 to JTS0205, JTS0405 to 0408 and JTS0505 to 0508.
Accessibility of tables
The department is currently working to make our tables accessible for our users. If you would like to request a more accessible format, please email journey time statistics. We will consider each request but may not be able to provide an alternative accessible format on every occasion.
If you have any feedback on the accessibility of our tables, please email us.
About the journey time statistics data and reports
All of the statistics published are Official Statistics. The department’s view is that all statistics which are not designated as National Statistics are robust and have been produced to a suitable standard.
Updates to this page
Published summary of responses of the user engagement exercise for Journey Time Statistics.
Journey time statistics, England for 2019 added.
Collection page updated for revised journey time statistics 2017.
Collection page updated for Journey time statistics 2017.
New release published.
Summary updated.
New release published.
First published.