Value for money reports and guidance
Value for money technical and summary reports, guidance, standard and code of practice
Relevant documents relating to value for money published by the Regulator of Housing.
VFM Standard, Code of practice and related documents
These documents include the reporting expectations on value for money for all registered providers.
2024 Value for money reporting
The VFM metrics report shows how the sector has performed against the standard suite of metrics over a 3 year period. This should help Boards understand the range of factors that could influence the performance of their organisations.
2023 Value for money reporting
The VFM metrics report shows how the sector has performed against the standard suite of metrics over a 3 year period. This should help Boards understand the range of factors that could influence the performance of their organisations.
Previous VFM metrics reports (published as an annex to the annual Global accounts)
This section contains previous VFM metrics reports.
VFM technical note guidance
This note sets out how registered providers should calculate the VFM metrics. It also includes additional guidance to assist small providers.
VFM metrics summary and regression reports
The September 2018 summary report provides sector analysis between the periods 2015 and 2017. The technical regression report further explains the analysis including detail of data definitions and the statistical process and aims to understand how providers’ VFM metrics are related to a range of measured explanatory factors.
The summary report and the technical regression report should help Boards understand the range of factors that could influence the performance of their organisations.
Updates to this page
Updated with the 2024 Value for Money report
Publication of the 2023 value for money report.
Value for Money metrics – Technical note guidance updated.
2022 Global Accounts (with VFM annex) added to document collection
2021 Global Accounts added to collection
2020 Global Accounts added as VFM annex report and data now added to page.
First published.