Consultation on the Value for Money Standard
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We will introduce the new Value for Money Standard and a supporting Code of Practice from 1 April 2018.
The Decision statement contains the final outcome of the consultation.
The Decision Instrument records the regulator’s decision about the Value for Money Standard.
The feedback on the Value for Money Metrics Technical Note is published separately on our website.
We have written to providers and we have issued a press release.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Responses to the consultation (with details redacted) are published above.
An analysis of the responses is outlined in the Decision Statement.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The existing Value for Money Standard, introduced in 2012, has had a positive impact, encouraging board engagement in driving improvements and supporting a greater level of transparency and accountability across the sector.
The proposed Standard aims to build on the progress made and move the focus of our regulatory approach away from the primarily narrative self-assessment to more outcome-based reporting from registered providers on targets, including a suite of metrics to be defined, from time to time, by the regulator. It places value for money at the heart of the business.
This consultation is an opportunity for interested persons and organisations to influence how the VfM Standard and the associated Code of Practice are developed and implemented.
The current VfM Standard can be found on the Regulatory Standards page.
The regulator has written a letter to registered providers and also issued a press release.