National Chlamydia Screening Programme policy update
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The change in the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) aim was supported by 51% (22% did not support it and 27% were not sure). Fewer (32%) supported the recommendation that chlamydia screening outside of specialist sexual health services should focus on young women (45% did not support; 23% not sure). There was support for the recommendations to offer testing to young women at all contraceptive appointments and following a change in sex partner (71%) and to optimise the management of those diagnosed with chlamydia (73%). We published the changes to the NCSP on 24 June 2021.
Detail of feedback received
We received a total of 274 consultation responses:
- 62 from organisations
- 212 from individuals
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation follows an external peer review of the scientific evidence for the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) which Public Health England (PHE) convened to ensure that the design, implementation and evaluation of the NCSP is based on the best available evidence.
The panel provided the NCSP with a series of recommendations after reviewing the evidence. Both the evidence pack and the panel’s report are available to view on this page.
The proposed revised policy incorporates initial feedback from professional stakeholders and young people and would implement the recommendations from the review group and align the NCSP with the latest scientific evidence.
To respond to the consultation, please first read ‘Proposal for revised NCSP policy’, then go to the Consultation on proposal for revised NCSP policy.
Updates to this page
Added details of feedback and outcome of the consultation.
Corrected broken survey link.
Added notice that the survey cannot be accessed due to technical issues.
Added updated evidence pack and panel report.
First published.