Private Telecommunications Networks: call for information
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The government response sets out the views of respondents to the call for information in the following areas:
- general information about respondents
- current uses of private telecoms networks
- current security and resilience measures
- telecoms policy questions
Detail of feedback received
We received 41 responses from a range of different interested parties, including:
- private telecoms network providers
- private telecoms network customers
- telecoms equipment vendors
- trade bodies
Original consultation
Consultation description
This call for information is intended to help the government obtain information and views on the use, security and resilience of private telecoms networks.
Anyone can respond to the call for information, but we are particularly interested to hear from those involved in the development and provision of such networks, and the organisations that currently use them, or plan to use them in the future.
We will use the responses to help determine whether specific government intervention is needed to promote the security and resilience of private telecoms networks.
We will publish a summary of in-scope responses and the government’s response in due course, following the closure of the call for information.