Project Gigabit: Open Market Review request for information - First Release of Phase 3
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Detail of outcome
The Open Market Review (OMR) process for the Project Gigabit First release of Phase 3 concluded on 6 May 2022 at 5pm. Building Digital UK requested that network providers submit broadband infrastructure coverage, and the deadline for doing so has now passed.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Building Digital UK has launched an Open Market Review (OMR) to identify potential areas for government intervention to support gigabit capable broadband. This OMR Request for Information (RFI) is to confirm where gigabit capable broadband infrastructure currently exists or was planned to be built in the next 3 years (and beyond, if available) across the geographical areas outlined below.
- Herefordshire (Lot 15)
- Cheshire (Lot 17)
- Gloucestershire (Lot 18)
- Lincolnshire (including NE Lincolnshire and N Lincolnshire) and East Riding (Lot 23)
Please note that Lot 23 extends into parts of North Yorkshire.
The closing date for responses is 6th May 2022 by 5pm.
How to respond
Sign the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) Contractor Licence Agreement (if not already done so).
Return the signed PSGA Contractor Licence Agreement to
Once you have done this, we will provide you with login details to our secure file transfer portal where you will be able to download the response templates.
Refer to the templates and complete a data submission in the same format, submit these via the portal alongside any supporting evidence.