World news story

British High Commission celebrates ‘Women in Foreign Policy’

The British High Commission, in partnership with Centre for Policy Research, today launched a discussion series on ‘Women in Foreign Policy’.

Women in Foreign Policy

This was the first in a series of events in which all-female panels weigh in on issues of significance for India’s foreign policy.

In today’s event, the panel discussed India’s evolving interests and strategies in its western neighbourhood. This includes India’s search for connectivity to Eurasia, energy security, stabilising Afghanistan and the gradual southward expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Sir Dominic Asquith, British High Commissioner, said:

I’m delighted to launch the ‘Women in Foreign Policy’ panel sessions in partnership with Centre for Policy Research. We want to showcase inspirational women working on some of the most important debates in this region.

I’m delighted today’s excellent all-female panel have agreed to share their expertise and perspectives with us.

The discussion was moderated by Yamini Aiyar, Chief Executive of the Centre for Policy Research (CPR). She was joined by:

  • Meera Shankar, former Indian ambassador to the US
  • Suhasini Haidar, Diplomatic Editor, The Hindu
  • Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy, Deputy Director at Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Meena Singh Roy, Head, West Asia Centre at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Further information:

The CPR is one of India’s leading public policy think tanks since 1973. CPR’s community of distinguished academics and practitioners is drawn from different disciplines and professional backgrounds. The Centre’s senior faculty collaborate with more than 50 young professionals and academics and with partners around the globe to investigate issues critical to India’s future.


For more information, please contact:

Sally Hedley, Head of Communications
Press and Communications, British High Commission,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Tel: 24192100; Fax: 24192400,

Mail to: Asad Mirza

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Published 24 September 2018