
National Travel Survey

Statistics and data about the National Travel Survey, based on a household survey to monitor trends in personal travel.

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Latest National Travel Survey statistics

National Travel Survey (NTS) is a household survey designed to monitor long-term trends in personal travel and to inform the development of policy. It is the primary source of data on personal travel patterns by residents of England within Great Britain.

The survey collects information on how, why, when and where people travel as well as factors affecting travel (for example, car availability and driving licence holding).

Guidance on current and previous National Travel Survey statistics are available.

National Travel Survey data tables

The survey collects information on how, why, when and where people travel as well as factors affecting travel (for example, car availability and driving licence holding).

A range of new ad-hoc pieces of analysis have also been published which can be found on Ad-hoc National Travel Survey analysis.

About the National Travel Survey data and reports

National Travel Survey data collection consists of a face-to-face interview and a 7 day self-completed written travel diary, allowing travel patterns to be linked with individual characteristics. The survey covers travel by people in all age groups, including children. Approximately 16,000 individuals in 7,000 households in England, participate in the survey each year.

Updates to this page

Published 30 July 2013
Last updated 28 August 2024 show all updates
  1. National Travel Survey report for the year 2023 published.

  2. Mid-year estimates for the year ending June 2023 added.

  3. National Travel Survey for the year 2022 added.

  4. National Travel Survey 2021 added.

  5. National Travel Survey 2020 added to the collection.

  6. National Travel Survey 2019, National Statistics designation and pre-release access pages added to collection.

  7. Updated for NTS 2018 publication.

  8. New release published.

  9. Request for feedback for NTS questionnaire changes added to the page.

  10. New release published.

  11. New release published and text updated.

  12. New release published.

  13. First published.