
Public health contribution of nurses and midwives: guidance

Tools and models to support the development of the public health contribution of nurses, midwives and allied health professionals.

As a society we face huge challenges in tackling the health and wellbeing of the population.

Every nurse, health visitor, midwife and AHP, not just those working in specialist public health roles, can become a health-promoting practitioner. They can use their knowledge and skills to make a personal and professional impact and to improve the health and wellbeing of the public. Every contact counts, from a healthy start right through to the end of life.

These professional guidance documents, under the overall Framework for Personalised Care and Population, provide nurses, midwives and allied health professions (AHPs) with the evidence to help them have greater and wider input into health promotion at patient, family and community levels. Working in the 6 main areas for action will have a demonstrable impact on the health outcomes of the population.

All Our Health is a call to action for all healthcare professionals to use their skills and relationships to maximise their impact on avoidable illness, health protection and promotion of wellbeing and resilience. The framework includes topics on public health challenges where health promoting practice can make a real difference.

Evidence and guidance documents

Tools and other guidance to help nurses and midwives in their personal and professional development.

Pregnancy to child aged 5

The tools and guidance in this collection will help nurses and midwives working with babies and children up to age 5.

Perinatal mental health training

Safeguarding pathway

Preceptorship charter

Building community capacity programme

e-LfH Healthy child programme modules

School aged children and young people (age 5 to 19)

Tools and other professional guidance for nurses and health professionals who work with school aged children and young people (ages 5 to 19)

Youth justice pathway

Safeguarding pathway

School Nurse NHS careers film

NHS Careers school nursing toolkit

Health and social care professionals fact sheet

Head teachers and governors fact sheet

Young people’s materials

Working age adults

Older adults and dementia

Collection of tools and guidance for nursing and health professionals with an interest in older adults and dementia.

Curriculum for dementia education

Royal College of Nursing (RCN) dementia resources

Interactive dementia e-learning resources

Updates to this page

Published 1 July 2013
Last updated 9 March 2018 show all updates
  1. Added 'Supporting the public health nursing workforce: employer guidance' to collection.

  2. Added 'Sepsis in children: advice for health visitors and school nurses'.

  3. Added Evaluation of behaviour change interventions: school nurse toolkit.

  4. Added service specification for local authorities, comissioning health visitor and school nurse services.

  5. Added 'Supporting the health and wellbeing of military families' pathway.

  6. Youth justice pathway updated

  7. 'Health visitors and school nurses: factsheet for parents' added under 'School aged children and young people (age 5 to 19)’ heading. 'Supporting adult carers through community nursing guidance' added under 'working age adults' heading.

  8. Perinatal mental health training URL link updated under the Pregnancy to child aged 5 heading.

  9. Link added to 'Commissioning of public health services for children guidance' under Pregnancy to child aged 5 heading.

  10. Added several documents related to the topic including the personalised care and population health framework.

  11. First published.