
Antimicrobial resistance awareness: toolkit for healthcare providers

Resources for World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) and European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) for healthcare professionals in England.

Applies to England



A toolkit of resources to support healthcare providers, local authorities and others in planning activities for WAAW and EAAD as well as engagement with the Antibiotic Guardian campaign, to encourage responsible use of antimicrobials.

Previous guidance is available from the National Archives.

Updates to this page

Published 3 November 2014
Last updated 23 September 2024 show all updates
  1. Replaced 2023 toolkit with 2024 version.

  2. Updated guidance.

  3. Updated guidance.

  4. Added latest resources toolkit.

  5. Added Resources toolkit for healthcare professionals in England in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  6. Updated 'WAA Week & EAAD: resources toolkit for healthcare professionals'.

  7. Added: WAA Week & EAAD resources toolkit for healthcare professionals.

  8. Resources toolkit for health students and pre-registration professionals has been published.

  9. Updated with 2017 information.

  10. Uploaded 2016 versions of documents.

  11. Updated resources for 2015.

  12. First published.

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