Appoint a trusted helper to deal with the VOA on your behalf
You can authorise a trusted helper to deal with the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) for you. They could be a friend, relative or voluntary organisation
Please note: If you need to return any forms or documents to us please send them electronically. Any documents sent by post may be delayed due to continued disruption to the postal system caused by the pandemic.
Please fill this form in digitally or scan and email it to
You can find out more about the impact of COVID-19 on our services on GOV.UK.
If you want to check or challenge the rateable value of your property, you’ll need to register for our digital service. You may not be able to register if you:
- are ill, have a disability or do not speak English
- do not have a British passport or National Insurance number
- have tried to register but have failed the individual identification stage
If you cannot register on our digital service
You can get someone else in your organisation to register. As long as the individual works in your organisation, then you don’t need to contact us or fill out any forms. They can go online, create your organisation’s account and then create an assistant role for you.
If no one in your organisation can register, then you can authorise a trusted helper to set up your account on our digital service. A trusted helper could be an agent, friend, family member or voluntary organisation. To authorise your trusted helper you will need to complete this form and both you and the trusted helper will need to sign it. Return the form to us and we will then authorise your trusted helper to set up your account. For more information please refer to the FAQ section on the form.
If you don’t want to appoint a trusted helper, then you will need to contact us and we will send you a manual registration form.
If you do set up a trusted helper account you will be responsible for any information submitted by the trusted helper on your behalf. You will need to be satisfied that any changes made to your property details are accurate and be aware that changes can decrease or increase the rateable value of your property.
Updates to this page
Attatchment file updated.
Appoint a trusted helper - file attachment - updated
Some important information has been added to this page about being a trusted helper.
The address on the 'appoint a trusted helper' form has changed.
First published.