Check and challenge: group pre-challenge review
Information on group pre-challenge reviews, including what they are and when they can be requested.
Applies to England
Group pre-challenge review (GPCR)
A group pre-challenge review (GPCR) is an option offered by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) to groups of property occupiers, owners or ratepayers of business and other non-domestic properties. It allows them to challenge the basis of the valuation in respect of local, regional or national schemes of valuation.
A GPCR may be requested by either an appointed agent, owner or occupier of properties that form a group in terms of valuation consideration. All participants must sign up to the terms of the GPCR. The exchange of information and discussions about the valuation basis will take place when all in the group have submitted their Checks but before they submit their Challenges.
Properties not included in a GPCR may not join an existing group but owners or occupiers of these properties may submit relevant evidence for consideration by the VOA. The outcome of the GPCR may affect the rateable values of all properties that fall within the same category as the properties in the initial group. Any changes to schemes of valuation will be applied to properties outside of the group once the facts of those properties have been established.
The outcome of a GPCR can cause the rateable values to go up as well as down.
Single point of contact (SPOC)
The GPCR must have an agreed person to serve as the single point of contact (SPOC). This person will coordinate the group, and communicate between the group and the VOA throughout the process.
The SPOC must be either an appointed agent, owner or occupier for one of the properties included in the GPCR.
The SPOC is responsible for submitting the initial GPCR request form, agreeing the terms with the VOA and distributing declaration forms to each participant. Once the terms are set, the SPOC is responsible for accepting the terms on behalf of all properties in the GPCR, and informing all participating properties of their obligations in relation to terms and deadlines.
Submission of Check and Challenge
The terms of the GPCR sets the timeframe for all properties in the group to submit a signed GPCR declaration form and submit a check on their property in order for the GPCR to be considered by, and discussed with, the VOA. The timeframe will usually be 3 months, though this may be extended if all parties are in agreement.
You may not need to submit a new Check if you’ve had a Check decision in the 4 months prior to the GPCR request.
The information provided in the Checks along with the relevant evidence and information submitted by the SPOC or any other parties will be used to decide the outcome of the GPCR. The VOA will notify the SPOC of the outcome.
GPCR outcome
Once the GPCR outcome has been decided by the VOA, the SPOC will be informed. It is the SPOC’s responsibility to advise each participant of the GPCR outcome.
Any changes that have been agreed will be applied to subsequent Checks. If there are any matters still in dispute, a party can submit a Challenge if they are eligible.
Starting a GPCR
To start a GPCR, the SPOC should complete a
.Our approach to GPCRs will be subject to review and we will consider customer feedback on how the process is working. If you have any comments, please send to
Updates to this page
Published 30 April 2018Last updated 11 December 2023 + show all updates
The GPCR request form has been updated.
The GPCR request form has been replaced.
Group pre-challenge review document updated.
The GPCR request form has been updated.
First published.