Ask the Adjudicator’s Office to investigate a complaint or review a decision
Send details of your complaint or review request to the Adjudicator’s Office.
Use this form to send details of your complaint or request for review to the Adjudicator’s Office.
Check we can look at your complaint or review request:
- How to complain to the Adjudicator’s Office about HMRC or the VOA
- How to ask the Adjudicator’s Office to review a Home Office Windrush Compensation Scheme decision or complain
You’ll need to print it and fill in the details of your complaint.
Post your completed form to:
The Adjudicator’s Office
PO Box 11222
If you have any questions about this form or need it in a different language or format, contact us.
If you have a representative, please complete our Authority to Act form.
Updates to this page
Added translation
Our postal address has been updated.
Welsh PDF updated for accessibility
Added Welsh translation
Added accessible version (.odt file) of attachment
PDF attachment as been replaced with a version that has been checked for accessibility.
First published.