
Cervical screening: programme and colposcopy management

Guidelines for commissioners, screening providers and programme managers for NHS cervical screening.


1. Introduction and programme policy

2. Management and referral guidelines for colposcopy

3. Providing a quality colposcopy clinic

4. Colposcopic diagnosis, treatment and follow up

6. Screening and management of immunosuppressed individuals

7. Job roles: lead clinician colposcopist and lead colposcopy nurse


This document gives guidance for commissioners, screening providers and programme managers working in and with the NHS Cervical Screening Programme.

It provides information on:

  • policy
  • management and referral guidelines for colposcopy
  • providing a quality colposcopy clinic (quality standards)
  • colposcopic diagnosis, treatment and follow up
  • management of cases relating to pregnancy, menopause, contraception and hysterectomy
  • screening and management of immunosuppressed individuals
  • job roles (lead clinician colposcopist and lead colposcopy nurse)
  • screening and colposcopy pathways (flowcharts)

This publication was previously published by Public Health England, which closed on 30 September 2021.

Updates to this page

Published 3 May 2010
Last updated 27 September 2024
  1. In the details, changed 'originally published by Public Health England' to 'previously published by Public Health England'.

  2. Added clarification that publication was originally published by Public Health England.

  3. Change note 1: Clarified that the discussion of moderate referrals with CIN1 at the MDT was discretionary and there was no requirement to do so. Change note 2: Clarified that cytology should be reviewed prior to MDT in cases of conservative management of CIN2.

  4. 4.6 change to first line.

  5. Minor text changes to chapter 3 (section 5.2). More information added to chapter 4 about management of incompletely excised CGIN (section 3.3), follow up of stage Ia1 (section 4.4) and individuals referred with low-grade cytology (section 4.6).

  6. Updated guidance in line with the introduction of primary human papillomavirus (HPV) screening in England.

  7. Published 3rd edition of guidance.

  8. First published.

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