CHPQA Registration Form F1
Complete Form F1 to register with the CHPQA programme
Form F1
Complete Form F1 for an existing or proposed CHP Scheme to register with CHPQA. This simple form provides basic information on the location of the CHP Scheme, the applicant, and nominates the person responsible for the Scheme on that site. All future communications will be with “the Responsible Person” at the address provided here, this includes queries regarding any subsequent submissions for CHPQA certification and arrangements for site audits.
Completed Forms should be returned to
The CHPQA Administrator
The Gemini Building
Fermi Avenue
Didcot OX11 0QR.
CHPQA Helpline Number: 01235 75 3004
Where more than one CHP Scheme is located on the site and has the same RP, only one Form F1 has to be submitted together with list of applicable Schemes.
What Happens Next
Following receipt of Form F1, a unique CHPQA reference number for each site will be sent to the RP. This number (with associated Scheme identifier, e.g. A, B, C etc.) should then be used on the self assessment submission forms and referenced in any communication with the CHPQA Administrator. A user profile will also be created for the online submission system and the RP will be issued a user name and password to complete the self assessment forms.
Where there are any changes to the details provided on the F1 (for example if the Responsible Person is changed), a new Form F1 should be submitted to the CHPQA Administrator providing updated details.