COVID-19: reported SARS-CoV-2 deaths in England
Monthly report presenting the latest data on COVID-19 mortality in England in people with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2.
UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) has published national statistics on deaths in people with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 since 29 April 2020. Further information on the data series can be found here.
Updates to this page
Corrected title and footnote for table 2 and table 3 in 'COVID-19 confirmed deaths in England (to 31 December 2022): report'.
Added report with data to 31 December 2022.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Updated table 5 and associated data files for July and August 2021.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Updated Figures 3a and 3b and Table 4 in June report.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Added monthly update: report and data.
Updated figures 3.a to 6.b to help comparison across different time periods. The data is unchanged.
Monthly update added (data to 31 January 2021).
First published.